Tuesday, March 27, 2007

All is Right with the Royals

I, for one, am relieved by the latest breaking news stories on Prince William and Prince Harry, who have been photographed groping a girl on the dance floor and falling down drunk outside a nightclub, respectively. Proof positive, I say, that the young Princes are perfectly normal early twentysomething males. I'm glad they aren't missing out on any of the typical extra-curricular activities enjoyed by their MTV Spring Break peers. And you've got to feel sorry for the guys--I mean, how many of us would want hordes of papparazzi trailing us each and every time we go out for an evening of drinking and debauchery? Imagine a photo of you bumping booties with that random dude from your dorm making front page news in every national newspaper. Or worse, CNN running a video of you bowing to the porcelain god after a night of Jagermeister gone wild. Bottom line, the Princes are just as entitled to some wild and damaging partying as the rest of us. Just watch out for those hands, ladies...

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