Wednesday, July 26, 2006

You Go, Lance!

Today, former N'Sync member Lance Bass officially came out, making the following statement to the media:

“The thing is, I’m not ashamed — that’s the one thing I want to say. I don’t think it’s wrong, I’m not devastated going through this. I’m more liberated and happy than I’ve been my whole life. I’m just happy.”

You know, I never was much of an N'Sync fan, but this was one of the most heartwarming news stories I've heard all week. You go, Lance!


Anonymous said...

i had $20 that Joey Fatone would be the first I'm a little disappointed. are you back yet?

Daphne Supergirl said...
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Daphne Supergirl said...

There was a typo in my first attempt to comment and it drove me nuts. So here it is again:

FYI, word has it that Joey and Lance are set to star in a revitalized sitcom version of "The Odd Couple," in which Lance plays "the gay one." So Joey isn't really being left out after all.

I am indeed back from L.A.--I haven't put my Colin Farrell slide show together yet, though (still working on the Euro-pop soundtrack).